Presentation of 3D study of neck meant to virtual exploitation
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STUDY created as part of the "Innovation Mission" of State organisation supervising the manufacture and sale of armaments (D.G.A. - France)

Realisation :
M. Trifot : Medical Concept P. Grandjean : 3D Graphisme-Modelisation

We subscribe to the HONcode principles
of the Health On the Net Foundation

Objective aims at optimizing training of basic technics of resuscitation.
Use of virtual technics of computer science should enable:
  1. a best appreciation of anatomical volumes and in their connections links with space.
  2. choice of puncture of veins.
  3. training of emergency practices.
  4. examination of innocuity and of relevance of their virtual acts.

The first step of this study has been 3D modelisation of a part of neck.

Computer generated images from of this data base can be watched on screen by a simple click on choised.

The second step has consisted in preparing necessary tools to virtual achievement of following medical acts:

puncture of internal jugular vein
puncture of external jugular vein
puncture of susclavian vein
puncture of trachea (crico-thyrotomy)
Click on icon of select technic in order to visualise matching computer generated image.

The third step will enable, by transferring 3D data base on virtual platform, elaboration of pedagogic tool useful to training and evaluation of personnal concerned by medical and surgical emergencies.

3D VRML An example of virtual 3D navigation
is accessible by
VRML file (428 Ko)
Click on animated gif.

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Last updated : 06-05-1998. Pierre Grandjean.